The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages Free To Book The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages The Forest Cottages The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages
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Reservation Contact Number : Tori 07572 432014                    All rates are on a Room Only but breakfast is available at a charge                    Owners own website, this is not an agency website                    
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Ecology and Green Policy at The Forest

The Forest Environmental Policy

At The Forest we are committed to providing a good quality service and wonderful holiday experience whilst minimising the environmental impact of our business activities. As part of this commitment we sought help from the Green Tourism Business Scheme which provides accreditation and encouragement for tourism businesses to reduce their environmental impact. By promoting sustainable practices the scheme helps to ensure the continued enjoyment of the environment around us for future generations. We were awarded their Gold Accreditation.

We operate an environmentally sustainable environment in this way:

  •     We supply environmentally friendly washing products for our guests’ use. The containers for the washing up liquid and kitchen hand soap are refillable.
  •     Laundry is performed in house using non-biological products and minimal tumble drying. During busy periods laundry is collected by a local company in Newtown. It's our policy not to make up beds that you won’t be using, because of the energy and water wasted washing unused bed linen.
  •     The showers have water saving shower heads.
  •     Plastics & Tins, Bottles and paper are collected for recycling
  •     Food waste is collected for composting
  •     Wood used in our wood-burners is from our land
  •     Low energy light bulbs are used where possible
  •     When we have to replace fridges, ovens etc we buy A rated appliances.
  •     All gardening is pesticide free helped by our free ranging chickens and we aim to encourage beneficial insects by growing insect friendly plants.
  •     We use recycled toilet paper.

We encourage guests to consider their environmental impact and where possible to:

  •     Use the heating controls with consideration.
  •     Turn lights, TV, standby buttons off when leaving your room.
  •     Avoid buying bottled water - our mains tap water is safe and tastes fine     

      Support our local shops, pubs, restaurants and food producers by recommendation.

  • When you eat in the pub, use the local shops or visit local attractions you're really boosting the local economy that keeps your holiday destination the place you wanted to visit. See our website for local events and ideas for great days out.
  •     When you eat in the pub, use the local shops or visit local attractions. You're really boosting the local economy that keeps your holiday destination the place you wanted to visit.

For local events and ideas for great days out click here

Biomass Boiler

The latest addition to our environmental heating system is a Biomass Pellet Burner. The 150kW boiler supplies heating and hot water to all of the properties at The Forest. Wood Pellets are Balcas Brites wood pellets which are produced to ENplus A1 standard to guarantee quality and consistency.

Brites wood pellets are a convenient sustainable fuel manufactured using renewable energy and raw materials sourced from local, sustainably managed forests by Balcas at plants in Enniskillen (Northern Ireland) and Invergordon (Scotland).

Solar PV

We have installed a set of photovoltaic cells for electricity generation.


Solar Thermal

We have installed solar panels for hot water heating in our B&B.

Free range chickens

Our free range hens provide a valuable source of eggs for our breakfasts


Log burning stoves

The B&B has 2 wood burning stoves which utilise fire wood taken from our own woodland.

The Tower at The Forest Cottages
The Forest Cottages Self Catering Accomodation
For more information about The Forest Bed and Breakfast call Paul on 07905 254142

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